But I'm a creep.
I don't belong here.
The question, O me! So sad, recurring—what good amid these, O me, O life?
That you are here—that life exists, and identity;
That the powerful play goes on, and you will contribute a verse.
Walt Whitman
L'home sol anar al bosc a recollir
els troncs caiguts després d'una tempesta.
Els apila darrere de la casa.
De cada un en recorda
què el va fer caure i on va recollir-lo.
En les nits fredes, contemplant les flames,
va cremant el que queda del que estima.
Joan Margarit
2 comentarios:
you are not a creep, you are a very kind and beautiful person
i agree with santrane!
you're definitively not a creep
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